Best Paper Awards

We are delighted to announce the ACL 2022 best and outstanding papers:

  • Best Paper

    • Learned Incremental Representations for Parsing (Nikita Kitaev, Thomas Lu and Dan Klein)


  • Best Special Theme Paper 

    • Requirements and Motivations of Low-Resource Speech Synthesis for Language Revitalization (Aidan Pine, Dan Wells, Nathan Brinklow, Patrick William Littell and Korin Richmond)


  • Best Resource Paper

    • DiBiMT: A Novel Benchmark for Measuring Word Sense Disambiguation Biases in Machine Translation (Niccolò Campolungo, Federico Martelli, Francesco Saina and Roberto Navigli)


  • Best Linguistic Insight Paper 

    • KinyaBERT: a Morphology-aware Kinyarwanda Language Model (Antoine Nzeyimana and Andre Niyongabo Rubungo)

  • Outstanding Papers

    • Evaluating Factuality in Text Simplification (By Ashwin Devaraj, William Berkeley Sheffield, Byron C Wallace and Junyi Jessy Li)

    • Online Semantic Parsing for Latency Reduction in Task-Oriented Dialogue (Jiawei Zhou, Jason Eisner, Michael Newman, Emmanouil Antonios Platanios and Sam Thomson)

    • Learning to Generalize to More: Continuous Semantic Augmentation for Neural Machine Translation (Xiangpeng Wei, Heng Yu, Yue Hu, Rongxiang Weng, Weihua Luo and Rong Jin)

    • Fantastically Ordered Prompts and Where to Find Them: Overcoming Few-Shot Prompt Order Sensitivity (Yao Lu, Max Bartolo, Alastair Moore, Sebastian Riedel and Pontus Stenetorp)

    • Inducing Positive Perspectives with Text Reframing (Caleb Ziems, Minzhi Li, Anthony Zhang and Diyi Yang)

    • Ditch the Gold Standard: Re-evaluating Conversational Question Answering (Huihan Li, Tianyu Gao, Manan Goenka and Danqi Chen)

    • Active Evaluation: Efficient NLG Evaluation with Few Pairwise Comparisons (Akash Kumar Mohankumar and Mitesh M Khapra)

    • Compression of Generative Pre-trained Language Models via Quantization (Chaofan Tao, Lu Hou, Wei Zhang, Lifeng Shang, Xin Jiang, Qun Liu, Ping Luo, Ngai Wong)


These papers were selected by our Best Paper Award Selection Committee, following nominations by our Senior Area Chairs, with the help of the reviewers and the Action Editors.


ACL 2022 Best Paper Committee:

Tim Baldwin, MBZUAI and The University of Melbourne, Australia (co-chair)

Kathleen McKeown, Columbia University, USA and Amazon AWS AI Labs (co-chair)

David Chiang, University of Notre Dame, USA

Min-Yen Kan, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Taro Watanabe, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan