Conference Programme

The 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics is taking place May 22-27, 2022 as a hybrid event, in Dublin and online. We are happy to welcome all of you to this anniversary edition with an almost 50-50 in-person and virtual participation.


The main conference program (May 23-25, 2022) features oral presentations, in-person and virtual posters, and demo sessions, a plenary session for our best paper presentations and awards (May 25, 2022), three amazing keynote events and two new initiatives of invited talks: Spotlight Talks for Young Rising Stars (STIRS) and The Next Big Idea Talks. Oral sessions contain both in-person and virtual talks given live: 12 minute talk + 3 minutes of Q&A for long papers and 8-minute talk + 2 minutes of Q&A for short papers. For all participants, on-site and virtual, who are unable to attend a session due to either time zone issues or because they are participating in another session live, talk recordings and slides will be available online at a minimum after the live presentation (and in many cases before as well), and questions may be submitted in advance on session-specific discussion boards and answered live in session with the usual visual aids if desired. Posters (including for papers accepted at the Findings of ACL 2022) and demos are grouped by areas for both the in-person and the virtual sessions. For the virtual component, the oral presentations will be on Zoom and the posters and the demos will be in GatherTown. The Student Research Workshop will have an oral session and a poster session as part of Poster Session 1.


The program also features eight Tutorials (May 22, 2022) and 28 Workshops (May 26-27, 2022).


The Welcome reception will take place on Sunday, May 22, 2022 in the Convention Center, and the Social Event will take place on Monday, May 23, 2022 at the Guinness Storehouse.


All information about the schedule of the main conference, the tutorials and the workshop is available on the ACL 2022  Underline event. The welcome page contains an overview of the conference program and you can go to the Schedule Tab on the left to see the detailed schedule:

In the helpdesk of Underline, you can find:

  • a mini-handbook (the one that is printed and available in-person, but might be outdated)

  • a full handbook (a more detailed, up-to-date version)

  • a poster guide and a demo guide

  • Instructions to Presenters and Session Chairs (Note: The Underline technical team will host an Authors’ Meeting, a training session for in-person presenters and session chairs, the night before the presentation/session at the end of the technical program of that day in room Liffey A. For example, for Monday session chairs and presenters, the training session will be on Sunday at 6pm in Liffey A. Please, keep an eye on the Announcements page in Underline for any updates on times.)

  • Attendee User Guide

  • Up-to-date Presentation Slots for the papers (by ID and session). Due to the dynamic nature of the hybrid event, this spreadsheet will be updated daily, so check it out for the following day’s schedule.


Authors/Presenters should also refer to the Instructions for ACL 2022 Authors for additional information.


We advise everyone to please keep an eye on the HelpDesk Page of Underline and to the Announcement in Underline for up-to-date information (the ACL 2022 website might not be dynamically updated).


All papers can be found in the virtual site and in the ACL Anthology.


You can also see the Interactive Map of ACL 2022 as well as interactive visualization about authors (thanks to the Machine Learning Center at Georgia Tech). For the latter, there are four different visualization groups, which can be accessed via the top-left corner menu: ACL, Findings of ACL, workshops (including the Student Research Workshop), TACL and CL.

Click here to download the programme overview.