Joint Call for Student Scholarship Applications and Student Volunteers for ACL 2022


We seek a limited number of student volunteers for the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 2022), which will be held in Dublin, Ireland, from May 22 to 27, 2022. In exchange for one full day equivalent of work, students receive free registration to the main conference, (including workshops and tutorials) and ACL membership. The work will be divided, probably into two half-day shifts, and the shifts will be scheduled to maximize volunteer access to the conference events.

As ACL 2022 will be hybrid, we are seeking volunteers to help us for both in-person and virtual tasks.

In-person tasks will include assisting at the registration desk, stuffing delegate packs, and providing assistance for conference events including tutorials, the main conference, and workshops. Virtual tasks will include organizing video presentations, acting as technical host for live video Q&A sessions, and providing assistance for conference events including tutorials, the main conference, and workshops (including the student research workshop).

Student Volunteer Award applicants should wait for a decision regarding the application to be communicated by the notification date.  If an award is made, the awardee should register for the conference and declare “I am a Student Volunteer" to have the registration and membership fees waived.  If the application is declined, the applicant may still register normally at the early rate.


Through the Student Scholarship Program, we will offer a limited number of grants to assist student participants both with travel to Dublin for ACL 2022, as well as with conference expenses (such as housing, local transportation to/from airport, conference registration, etc.).

Successful applicants for the Student Scholarship Program must also participate in the Student Volunteer Program, and will receive free registration to the main conference in addition to their scholarships. Please note that these scholarships are to subsidize student participation in ACL 2022, and are not intended to cover all travel and conference expenses. The final amount of the scholarship will vary depending on the number of days of stay, cost of the travel, quantity of money available, and the number and type of applicants.

Students should make travel arrangements and accommodation independent of the results of their application. All Student Scholarship recipients must also register for the conference and declare “I am a Student Volunteer" in the main conference registration form since they will all participate in the Student Volunteer Program and have their registration fee waived for the entire conference. Students will be reimbursed after the conference and upon providing scanned travel and accommodation receipts and an accounting of the requested funding (i.e., a business expense report) to the ACL Business Manager, Priscilla Rasmussen. Students will have to provide a mailing address to receive the reimbursement checks (preferred method) or their PayPal account or complete banking details to receive a wire reimbursement (only in case they cannot accept checks).


Applicants for both the Student Volunteer Program and the Student Scholarship Program will be evaluated based on the material they submit in their application packages (see below for the submission requirements). Preference will be given to students who are presenting a paper in the main conference or any of the associated workshops and do not have other means of travel support.


Applicants for the Volunteer/scholarship Program should fill in one of the forms below(You only need submit one form, either Google or Microsoft):



Application deadline: April 18, 2022

Notification of acceptance:  April  19, 2022


Student Volunteers Chairs (

Student Research Workshop Chairs and Faculty Advisors (

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